- December 8, 2015
- Posted by: admin
- Category: About MEFMI

Mr Sayed Timuno is a Programme Manager in the Macroeconomic Management Programme responsible for Macroeconomic analysis, Modeling and Forecasting. He joined the Institute in October 2015.
Prior to joining MEFMI, Mr Timuno was a Principal Economist in the Modelling and Research Unit at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) in Botswana. During this period he was responsible for data and economic analysis as well as producing various forecasts such as quarterly GDP (both from the production and expenditure approach) projections, Quarterly Fiscal forecasts and Exchange Rates projections. He has hands-on-experience in building economic models. He co-led a team that constructed the Botswana Quarterly Econometric model (using E-Views); Botswana Financial Programming and Policy Framework (Excel); Botswana Medium Term Fiscal Framework (Excel) and was also part of a team responsible for the Botswana Computable General Equilibrium Model (GAMS).
Mr Timuno has received various performance awards including MFDP’s Best Performer in 2014, MFDP’s Best of Best Performer in 2014 and the Botswana’s Public Service Excellence Award for 2013/14. Mr Timuno is a MEFMI Graduate Fellow.
Mr Timuno holds a BA Economics degree from the University of Botswana, and an MA Economics degree from the University of the Western Cape, South Africa.