Governors discuss trends in sovereign reserves management

Governors of central banks from the MEFMI region are meeting at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland for the annual MEFMI Region Governors Forum. The event will be attended by 25 officials comprising 12 Central Bank Governors and Deputy Governors from the MEFMI region and technical experts from Investec Asset Management. Investec is the financial partner for the event. The Forum is held back to back with the BIS annual meetings. This year it runs under the theme Trends in Sovereign Reserves Management. The theme will be expounded through presentation on the following two topics; i) Sovereign Reserves: is the search for yield over? ii) Yield Trends and Implictions for Sovereign Liabilities The Govenors’ Forum is one of the Executive Fora series on MEFMI’s annual calendar of events, designed to assist Governors from member countries to generate discussion and influence policy on critical economic issues. The Forums are also used to come up with a common understanding on prevailing and emerging economic issues.