MEFMI delivers training on Regulation of Securities Markets in Portuguese

In its bid to address language barriers faced by MEFMI’s Lusophone member countries (Angola and Mozambique), the Institute delivered an e-learning course on Regulation of Securities Markets in Portuguese. The course sought to improve participants’ knowledge and understanding of securities markets as well as the principles underlying effective regulation of securities markets.

Developed securities markets provide an alternative avenue for public and private enterprises to raise long term capital.  However, securities markets in the MEFMI region are generally small, illiquid and play an insignificant role in capital formation. There is need to develop these markets and make them more attractive to investors and enterprises. Policymakers and securities markets regulators also need to strengthen the legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks governing securities markets.

This e-learning course provided participants a platform to learn about the role that securities markets play in contemporary economies.  They also learnt about the different approaches to securities markets regulation, global best practices and international standards for regulation of securities markets and regulation of specific securities markets activities. The course also covered emerging topics in securities regulation. These include anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, regulation of Fintech as well as traditional issues such as cross-border cooperation, risk-based supervision and self-regulation.

The course participants are expected to use the knowledge acquired from the course to strengthen the regulation of securities markets in their countries.  This knowledge should spur the participants and enable them to play a greater role in development financing while maintaining financial sector stability. MEFMI will also use the feedback received from the participants to design tailored capacity building interventions for its member countries.

The course, which ran from 20 July to 28 August 2020, was attended by 17 officials from Banco de Mocambique and Commisao do Mercado de Capitais of Angola. Mr. Egas Chipole, a securities market expert from Mozambique, was the mentor for the course.

Prepared by Noel Mahombera