MEFMI Conducts eLearning on Public Expenditure and Financial Management


MEFMI conducted an e-learning course on introduction to Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFM) to assist policymakers in the region in identifying best practices for addressing PEFM issues. The course was held from 27 November – 15 December 2023.

The course was motivated by the fact that the MEFMI Phase VI Strategic Plan (2022–2026) identifies PEFM as a priority capacity-building area in the region. The capacity gap in PEFM arises in recognition of the recent global economic developments that make it challenging to effectively conduct sound PEFM. Considering this, there is a need for policymakers to have a good understanding of best PEFM practices to effectively address emerging issues such as the technological revolution and the rise in electronic data, climate change, and gender mainstreaming, as well as global pandemics, among others.

The course was designed to strengthen participants’ ability to understand reforms in PEFM, expenditure frameworks and effective controls, PEFM issues in climate change and technological revolution, as well as the importance of PEFM in supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and gender mainstreaming. It is expected that the knowledge and skills obtained from this course will help participants improve the conduct of PEFM in their respective countries and contribute to economic stability in the region.

A total of 42 officials from 5 MEFMI member countries participated in the course. Of the 42 participants, 26 (62%) were male, while 16 (38%) were female. The course was facilitated by Dr. Daniel Mwanje, an Independent Consultant from Uganda, Professor Antonio Franco, an Independent Consultant from Mozambique, and Dr. Frank Chansa from the MEFMI Secretariat. Mr. Fernando Cambundo was the Portuguese interpreter.


Prepared by Frank Chansa.