Fellows Development Programme


To ensure sustainable capacity building in macroeconomic, sovereign debt, and financial management, MEFMI has over the years, invested in training and developing Fellows in the region through the Fellows Development Programme (FDP). The Institute employs this approach to bridge the capacity gap in the MEFMI region.

The Programme was established to create a critical mass of regional expertise in the priority areas of financial and macroeconomic management including sovereign debt management. The Programme aims at ensuring the sustainable availability of well-trained and skilled professionals at the regional level to support member countries’ capacity-building efforts.

The 18-month-long programme, which involves training and mentoring of Fellows, is preceded by a rigorous and competitive recruitment and selection process, followed by an orientation workshop for the selected candidates. At the end of each Cohort, MEFMI commences the recruitment process for the next Cohort of Candidate Fellows.

Become a MEFMI Fellow

To launch the next Cohort, MEFMI issues a formal communication requesting client institutions in the MEFMI member countries to nominate candidates for selection to the Fellows Development Programme. Among others, the call outlines all the requisite information about the Fellows Development Programme, including the criteria for selecting potential candidates in various areas of specialization.

Watch this space for the next call for nominations.

Target Group

The target groups are officials from client institutions in the MEFMI member countries.

Value Package

Through the Fellows Development Programme, MEFMI invests resources to train, and mentor officials from client institutions into skilled and valuable resources in their respective areas of speciality. After successful completion of the fellowship programme, the fellows return to their respective institutions to provide requisite skills in their areas of speciality. With time, some advance their careers with like-minded organisations, while others retire from public service and become independent consultants.


Meet the MEFMI Fellows Initiative

The Secretariat has launched a “Meet the MEFMI Fellows Initiative” which intends to give visibility to Fellows, through regular featuring of the individuals on the MEFMI website and MEFMI Quarterly Bulletin.

Fellows Development Programme Technical Papers

To access technical papers by Fellows from the previous cohorts, click here.

Contact us to learn more about the Fellows Programme.