MEFMI has established a facility that enables whistle-blowers to report wrongdoing related to the business.
For more information on reporting wrongdoing related to the business of the Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI), please see below. The MEFMI has established a facility that enables whistle-blowers to report wrongdoing related to the business of MEFMI. The Institute is committed to treating allegations of wrongdoing seriously and will always investigate fully. Hence, MEFMI encourages members of the public to provide their details when reporting wrongdoing in order to obtain follow-up information when necessary. In such cases, MEFMI will take all reasonable precautionary measures to protect an individual’s identity.
There is, however, an anonymous reporting option, (Deloitte Tip-offs Anonymous) which guarantees employees and members of the public their anonymity, if they so choose.
What can be reported?
There are mainly two types of wrongdoing, namely commercial crimes and unethical behaviour. Commercial crime
This relates to any unlawful act or failure to act that would result in offences such as the following
(please note that this list is not conclusive):
Bribery, Corruption, Forgery, Fraud, Theft And Receipt Of Stolen Property;
Payment Or Receipt Of Bribes;
Abuse Of Confidential Sarb Information;
Breach Of Fiduciary Duties (Involves Positions Of Trust);
Contravention Of Statutory Prescriptions;
Unlawful Destruction, And The Removal Or Concealment Of Sarb Records, Property And Equipment; And
Unethical behaviour
This includes, but is not limited to:
Not obeying MEFMI policies or procedures; and
Highly sensitive and serious issues, such as unfair discrimination, sexual harassment, racism, nepotism and emotional blackmail.
Making use of the Tip-offs Anonymous service
Checklist before you call
Date, time and place of incident?
Name(s) of person(s) involved?
Are there witnesses?
What proof is there?
Is there any money involved?
Does this happen often?
How does the Tip-offs Anonymous ethics hotline work?
Trained operators in the centre will answer calls in English, Shona and Ndebele any time of the day, night, week or year (24/7).
The operators will interview callers, asking questions to get specific facts so that they can record as much information as possible and understand things as clearly as possible. The information will then be sanitised so that when the tip-off report is fed back to MEFMI, there is no trace of who made the call.
The report will then be forwarded to the Executive Committee (EXCOM) who will decide on corrective action to be taken. Deloitte will ensure that a report does not go to any official who is in any way implicated in the report.
Tip-offs Anonymous will never reveal the identity of the caller and the caller does not have to give his/her name, unless he/she chooses to.