By Fred M. Ruhukana
This data validation handbook aims at assisting debt recording functions in ESADARM member countries in identifying causes of data inconsistences between various debt units and other organizations both domestic and international. It recommends possible approaches to rectifying such validation errors with an ultimate goal of producing accurate and consistent data with less time and resources.
The handbook will also be a basic document to assist trainers and other resource persons in conducting debt data validation workshops and seminars.
The author has also developed a debt data validation training curriculum which will guide course organizers to be more focused in order to cover much material as possible in an optimum time. The curriculum gives guideline of additional readings to supplement the handbook.
This handbook does not claim to be a prescription in debt data validation for all ESAIDARM countries since each country or debt unit within the country may have its own peculiar problems and approaches to external debt management. However the book will definitely trigger action to those debt offices or debtor countries that have hitherto considered debt validation an impossible or unimportant task. Subsequent versions of this handbook will incorporate views, ideas and correction from its readers and users, you are therefore requested to kindly make constructive comments on the content and style of this presentation which I will be glad to use in revising the handbook for the benefit of the ESAIDARM group of countries.