MEFMI Regional Workshop on Private Capital Monitoring System (PCMS): e-Survey and Leveraging Regional BOP/IIP for Data Validation (Mirror Data)

MEFMI Regional Workshop on Private Capital Monitoring System (PCMS): e-Survey and Leveraging Regional BOP/IIP for Data Validation (Mirror Data)


The increasing significance of Foreign Private Capital (FPC) flows and the imperative to comprehend their impact necessitate the availability of reliable, accurate, and consistent statistics aligned with international standards. Specifically, within the context of the Balance of Payments (BOP) and International Investment Position (IIP), information pertaining to foreign private capital flows constitutes a crucial data source for the primary income and financial accounts.

To effectively gather FPC data, countries are advised to adopt survey-based collection systems as an alternative to relying solely on the International Transactions Reporting System (ITRS).

As part of this endeavor, MEFMI successfully redesigned and developed the Private Capital Flows Monitoring System (PCMS) in 2023, culminating in the release of Version IV. The final phase of the project encompassed data migration, addressing all feedback from the technical review of the system, finalizing the dashboard module, implementing branding and visual design, conducting comprehensive system testing, and producing comprehensive system documentation, all of which were completed in 2023. Subsequent to the complete rollout of the system to all user countries in 2024, additional functionalities will be integrated into the PCMS. These enhancements encompass the introduction of an e-survey module and the incorporation of regional BOP/IIP data for enhanced data validation (mirror data).


The primary objective of this course is to equip participants with the necessary skills for the compilation of FPC data utilizing the e-survey module and the regional BOP/IIP for data validation (mirror data).

Course Content

The training program will primarily focus on PCMS Version IV, with specific emphasis on the following:

i. e-Survey ii. Regional BOP/IIP for Data Validation (Mirror Data)

Target Group

This course is specifically designed for mid-level professionals engaged in the compilation and analysis of foreign private capital data within Central Banks, Statistics Offices, and Ministries of Finance and Planning.

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