Advanced Risk-Based Auditing
It is important that auditors have the fundamental knowledge needed to become effective in performing risk-based internal audits. Risk-based audits provide valuable insights into the likelihood and severity of potential risks, allowing for better decision-making. Regular risk assessments help organisations to stay on top of evolving regulations and industry best practices. Risk-based audits demonstrate a commitment to proactive risk management, which can boost confidence among investors, creditors, and other stakeholders.
Course Objectives
- To equip participants with an understanding of the role of the internal auditor in risk-based auditing.
- To identify key risk and risk management concepts and principles, along with internal and external influences on risk.
- Enable participants to recognise well-known risk frameworks, including COSO and ISO 31000, and explain the importance of risk appetite and risk tolerance.
Course Content
- Advanced Risk Management Techniques
- Data Analytics for Auditing
- Risk Assessment Frameworks
- Audit Planning & Risk-Based Approach
- Internal Controls & Risk Mitigation
- Audit Procedures & Techniques
- Reporting & Communication
- Internal Audit & COSO Frameworks
- Emerging Risks & Technologies
- Advanced Audit Techniques
Target Group
Board members (especially risk and audit committee chairs and members), Chief Risk Officers, Heads of Market, Credit, and Operational Risk, Head of Risk Management, Chief Compliance Officers, Chief Audit Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Actuaries, Treasurers, Auditors (External & Internal), Bank regulators and examiners, and Risk management consultants.
NB: Tuition fees cover tuition, training materials, lunch and refreshments only.